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Tag Archives: friends

How is it possible? It seems like just yesterday we were snow machining and hauling loads of it away!

Signs of spring are very welcome! I’ve spotted Canada Geese flying in and Dean saw some Sandhill Cranes the other day. You can start to hear a few songs birds now and then but I’ve yet to spot a Robin. I’m behind on getting all of my Birch trees tapped, maybe today I’ll get another one or two done?

May is always a busy month physically but also emotionally as well. Besides the happy celebratory days like Mert’s birthday, Mother’s Day, a sweet little red-headed girl’s birthday and my Seester & John’s anniversary, it brings somber reminders of those we’ve lost as well.

Today would have been my step-brother Michael’s 54th birthday. Blessed memory.

My Grandmother’s, also of blessed memory, 97th birthday would have been on the 27th. She’s been gone for 18 years now.

We’ll celebrate the official end of the school year, although does it ever really end?? Ours just morphs into summer school and next year.

Memorial Day of course, somber for those remembering a loved one who paid the ultimate price for being an American. Whilst the rest of us kick off the summer season with joy. Both extremes of celebration wrapped up into one day.

All of the flowers watered by last months’s showers should begin to pop their blossoms. It’s time for some color other than white everywhere.

I hope your May is full of beauty and goodness. Soon, before we know it, fish camp will be here and my mantra begins… “winter is coming”!!

10 Anniversary memorial trail ride.
13 sleds, 14 people, 1 dog and an epic ride.

Bouncing off some energy at Jumping Junction.

When I checked the mailbox yesterday I found this lovely handmade hat with a fox pom. (By Rachel @Hibernation Textiles) No card (oops, there was a card, I just missed it!), just a surprise gift. I think I  know who sent it tho. πŸ˜‰ Sneaky friend.

We hosted our friends last night for New Year’s, it’s become our annual tradition. They stay the night so no one has to drive home late at night in potentially inclement weather or with other unsafe drivers on the road. Then we have breakfast the next day, or lunch perhaps, depending on how long we sleep.

We had so much food last night! Both Mo and I made enough for an army! πŸ˜† But 13 people is not army it seems. Lots of leftovers! But we had the good stuff!

Taquitos, egg rolls, wings, salmon ricotta crostini, buffalo chicken dip, beef Lil smokies, humus, veggies, cheese ball, chips, Texas Caviar, cows in carpets (what the kids have named our kosher hotdogs baked in crescent rolls), cherry bars, peanut butter cookies, candy, pistachio truffles, (with most of it being gluten free) and the drinks…. All the drinks. We had our very own junior “mix master” who whipped up some great mock tails for everyone to enjoy!

Jake came down with the dogs so the pups had a party of their own. Complete with hats and leis. (See previous post!) And after midnight he and the dogs went home (he lives across the street and up the hill).

I made two breakfast casseroles for brunch, a sausage-hasbrown & egg dish and stuffed banana bread french toast. Mo brought zucchini muffins and we had a refreshing peach shrug to drink, which happened to make a good belini with the left over prosecco from midnight! We make do!

We were creative with getting sleeping quarters set up for everyone but we did it! It’s a lot of fun to have our friends over like this. Reserved for special occasions (or very bad weather)!

It’s a great way to start the new calendar year! I hope yours was just as wonderful!

Panda has had too much party.
Party animals in the house.

No dogs we’re harmed in the making of these photos.

Happy New Year y’all. Woof! 🐾

November is over. It feels like it’s just been a couple weeks. Time sure does fly.

In a few minutes it will be December and in no time 2021 will come to a close.

It was a busy month, jam packed with activity and fun! As well as a lot of work (at home) preparing for visits and holidays and such.

I’m feeling blessed. A fullness of love from my Seester’s visit and my Solstice Sisters party for my birthday.

Fancy coconut pudding thingies!
We had a taco dinner for my birthday, kids got to play with friends and 3/4 of the Solstice Sisters got to visit in person with a cameo video from Niki. 
Another great birthday. πŸ’–

Today will be busy, to say the least. But I’ll take a moment to express my gratitude for those special people in my life. There are many, many people I could name but for brevity’s sake I’ll keep it to two groups!

My kids top the list of course. We have our challenges but each of them brings their own special something to our home. Their creativity, their wit, their uniqueness. I love them so.

Then there’s my bestest friends, my solstice sisters. They make everything right when we’re together. I can’t thank them enough for all the things.

There are others of course, many, which I hold dear. Today will be spent focusing on these blessings and the other 29 days worth of posts that bring joy and meaning to my life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

#grateful #thankful #blessed

It’s November!! Woo hoo. Winter is definitely here, a dusting of snow to welcome November’s arrival. It’s day one of my birth month. Gifts and adoration accepted daily, of course.

November also brings some of my favorite things. Pumpkin pies and cornbread dressing. Birthday cakes and ice cream. My Mom’s birthday too. And her anniversary, in no particular order. A surprise visit from my Seester!!! As well as an early Hanukkah. It will be a busy week starting with Thanksgiving, then birthdays and rolling right into the feast of dedication.

November is a huge birthday month in our realm. There’s the twins, Thing 1’s boyfriend’s birthday, MaKayla, Me & Mom’s and a few other friends and memorial days thrown in there.

Grandpa’s was the 21st and my dear friend Katherine’s was the 28th, both of blessed memory.

I like to think of November as a month of feel-good, like a warm sweater, sitting around a bonfire with a hot cocoa and all your loved ones kinda feel good.

I hope your November is just as good. πŸ’–

#birthdays #november #family #friends #feelgood